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Advanced Painting III

After taking this course repeatedly for a total of four times over the past two years, to say that I have learned a lot would be an understatement. Within this advanced painting course, I have learned about what I am passionate about as it pertains to painting, what mediums that I like over others, and what it means to make a painting. 

Throughout my practice, I have challenged what the term 'painting' really means. For instance, is it simply something that we hang on our walls because it looks pretty? Over time, I have developed a better understanding of who I am as a painter by becoming more familiar with contemporary sculptural practices. As such, I have recognized that paintings are just as much sculptures as they are paintings. Therefore, this course has allowed me to further investigate my curiosity as well as develop as an artist. With the guidance of my professors, I have built upon my strengths in construction and composition and overcame my weaknesses of working too 'tight' or thinking 'too hard.' That said, my process of creation for each of these pieces is trusting my intuition, starting with construction, mixing paint, establishing a composition, and knowing when to stop.

Overall, my time as an advanced painter in this course at UW-Stout has provided me with some of the best memories and friendships that I have. Through collaboration, conversation, and critiques, I have learned how to apply this experience to the classroom. 

Below, I have selected just a few images of the many paintings/sculptures that I have done to highlight my experience. 

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